Now, if you are a car fan and have seen any forms of driving videos, chances are that at least one of those has been by either Bj Baldwin or Ken Block. These are two off road racing drivers by trade, but in their free time they compete on the internet for the best videos out there. Bj can be found tearing up Mexico and the streets of California when he is not out winning world championships in his Baja Trophy Truck. Ken on the other hand has taken his rally car and made six videos of him tearing up different cities and making absolutely incredible feats of driving in his race cars. He then found a way to up the ante even more and build a car specifically for the Gymkhana 7 video. It is a 1965 ford mustang with the same drive train in it as his rally cars, but with a massive V8 engine under the hood instead.
What this allows these drivers to besides get an insane number of you tube views, but it also showcases the sport and gives the drivers something to hone their skills at. I mean, what else are you going to use to validate to the police as to why they should close off entire highway sections for the filming of the videos. Well and also to avoid the fact that people could get in the way and... squash... no more videos.
These men are pioneers in a new and growing world that had begun to flourish with the emergence of more durable cameras like the Go Pro. In the 7th installment of Gymkhana, there is no shot or camera angle that is the same, as the car is littered with dozens of these cameras. Another thing that helps get some of the amazing camera angles that they achieve it by helicopter. There is just something about the overhead views that can make or break an otherwise pretty good video. This is why these videos and shows like top gear are so successful. They are able to capture the big picture.
I hope that you go find these and enjoy them and for those of you who think that americans cant drift, here is you proof that we can.
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